Edit: typical editing options such as copy/paste/undo/transform/etc., and also allows access to advanced audio settings.File: allows quick access to settings & a “remux recordings” options to convert videos recorded in OBS as.Tool Bar – at the top of the OBS window, there are several menus that will be referenced throughout this blog. On the flipside: with SLOBS you can more easily integrate stream labels, chat and alerts, assuming you use StreamLabs for those services. I generally see people say that OBS uses 10-15% less RAM to run.

OBS is more reliable, uses far few resources to run, and crashes less. You could use either one: SLOBS’ design is a little more “beginner friendly” but it also bogs your PC down and chew up a lot of memory/RAM to run. Stream Labs “adopted” OBS’ source code, and added a lot of bells and whistles (and monetized options) to create SLOBS. It’s a tool that you have to create onto (adding scenes, sources & plugins), and then you need to take that canvas to a gallery to be seen (connecting it to a streaming platform like twitch or youtube). It’s important to understand: OBS is like the blank canvas for an artist. OBS stands for “Open Broadcasting Software” and it’s a free, open source program that anyone can use to broadcast content on streaming platforms, or record video productions to their computers.